Serra Bilgincan
Sands of Sorrows
sand, water, stainless steel, aluminium, roof tile, iron marbles, glass, moss, plastic hose, arduino, car window regulator motor

Sands of Sorrows, is an installation adapted from the artist’s prose poem “Towards the Plane”. In the writing where poetics and basic physics have collaborated, heaps of sand have referred to our emotions and psychological cycles. Trauma, accumulutation, stiffening, relapse, healing and play are gathered in a landscape to create the installation.

While the indispensability of our habits and familiarities have been expressed with the endurance of the triangle form, the temporality and spatiality of our experience have been embedded into the landscape with familiar objects and mossy surfaces.

photography by Cansu Ayduran
Towards the Plane
A bottomless pit of emotions where I’ve been dug,
The waste of which I stand in front of and watch.
How light it may all seem!
Heaps of sand shovelled up by infant hands
and pieced together in their naked palms
A mass that cascades down a peak;
assured and accelerating in its path
I don’t mean to find comfort
in this stillness I gaze at,
I bide my time to spoil it
before wind or rain can
My eyes stare not
at the steepness of that mighty peak
But rather at the sweetness of the descend.
Once the flow initiates,
the grains will gradually land faster.
They will blend with the ones sitting on the ground;
it will all be flat and even,
sands of sorrows will collapse!
And kids, they know how,
they destroy at the sleight of hand
the castles they built of sand
For they’ll create anew,
or, for it’s time the waters call them.